Monday, June 18, 2007


A liquid refreshment. Find one in your space.

Saturday, June 16, 2007


A cover for the head to keep it dry and warm. Find one in your space today.

Doesn't every duck need a breast cancer awareness hat?

Friday, June 15, 2007


A thin protective cover for an animal or egg. Show us 'shell' in your space.

A coconut is not an animal or an egg...but a shell by any other name...

Thursday, June 14, 2007


A small vessel propelled by water. Find one in your space today.

Double feature today...the first one is the only boat I could find in my space, Katie's toy boat.

This one isn't physically in "my space", but it is in my heart. (cheesy, I know!) I fell in love with St. John's Newfoundland, and feel far away from home, even though I've never lived there.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007


The end of an arm. Show us a hand in your space today.

Ahh-ha! See how tricky I am!


In need of rest. Show us tired in your space

My husband snapped this photo this morning. He keeps telling me that Katie and I sleep alike, so here's his proof.

Monday, June 11, 2007


Yourself, who you are. Show us who you are in your space today.

I was alone all day with Katie, and since 7 mo. old babies aren't very good at taking photo's, I had to rely on the timer setting on my camera. I set it down on the floor and started clicking away while Katie and I played. So here's me, playing with my baby.

a Small lump or chunk of a substance. Find a nugget in your space today.

This object is fondly referred to as "THE ROCK". Johnny puts all important "to be filed" items under THE ROCK. I'm sure if he knew that I had been playing with it, he would have to go make sure nothing blew away. :)

Saturday, June 9, 2007



Something to block a hole or a device to make an electrical connection. Find a plug in your space today.

I cheated a little. This is an old photo...but it was so fitting I couldn't resist!

Catch up


A food made of milk curds. Show us cheese in your space


Something that is covered in fur or has a fur like appearance. Find something furry in your space today


A simple food of brown or white colour. Show us bread in your space today.


A woven container. Find one in your space today.


A removable cover for the top of a container. Find a lid in your space today.


A sweet product from a tree or plant to eat. Show us fruit in your space.


A narrow strip of material used to hold or fasten. Is there tape in your space today?


A plant or part of a plant that is used for food. Show us a vegetable in your space today.