Thursday, September 4, 2008

DOOL Day 4

Again with the box...It may be an they have rehab for cardboard addicts?

More shopping for a dress...unsuccessful...but no CPS report either.

A little play time as a reward for good behavior.

WOO HOO! I found a is in Tupelo Mississippi...Good news, i like it and it is on sale. Bad news, the cost of shipping brings it back up to full price, but it will be here tomorrow! YAY!

Johnny breaking the news to family that we won't be coming for a visit. :(

OHHH LOOKIE, a successful shopping trip, shoes for my dress! They don't look it, but they are dark brown.

And because I know me...some back ups to bring along...gotta be comfy!

Messy face=Good dinner!

A couple of movies...more fun in a cardboard box!

DOOL Day Three!

While Katie ate breakfast...I did my DOOL (no not DROOL) posting from the night before...Then off to the playground to play with friends!

Not too sure about going down the slide!

How do you drive this thing!?

The girls love climbing on the dragonfly!

"so, do you come here often?"

LOVE this place!

Post nap snack...your gonna need the energy for DRESS SHOPPING!

Yes, this is what Katie was screaming from inside the dressing room as I was trying on dresses. I hate dress shopping, this did not add to my enjoyment of the task. I had to skeedaddle out of the store before CPS showed up. BTW, I did not hurt her, I was simply stopping her from opening the dressing room door while I was naked.

Thankfully, Daddy was home when we got back...he was able to give me some relief from my job as chairmen of the entertainment committee.

It's quick dinner tonight, 1 minute 24 seconds to mealtime!

Katie burrito! Bath then bed!

I can't show you pictures of what happened next...I'm not saying that there are no pictures...I just can't show them to you!


Wednesday, September 3, 2008

DOOL Day 2

Wake up, check. Play in a box with your Dino Baby, check.

Our first errand, drop off stuff at Ursila's house, here's what I encountered on the walk from the curb to her door...For those of you that can't read what the Mommy is saying thats, "I'm gonna beat you with a stick."

Then I had to go to stupid David's Bridal to look for a dress for my friends wedding...The outrage...they were closed, the didn't open until 11 am!!

I am nonplussed about my unsuccessful trip to David's Bridal...

...I must fill the void with coffee.

Return home to play in the box.

Katie sleeps...mommy crafts, hey it's better then a beating with a stick! ;)

Katie's awake...time for chores...I won't bore you with all the photos.

After dinner it's bath time.

Story in a tent...then bed.

I love when people drop by with wine! Good night everyone!

Monday, September 1, 2008

DOOL Day One.

Sometimes waking up is the hardest part of the day.

Breakfast helps.

Quick shopping trip to Target, pick up photo's for Stepmother, then pick up Katie's Great Gram for play time.

Get in some crafting while Katie sleeps.

Finished product, my entry in a contest, wish me luck!

Converted Katie's water table into a sand table, enjoyed the outside.

Playing in the back yard!

Butterfly hunting!

Still getting used to this photo diary thing...forgot to take photo's of the rest of my day...Took Great Gram home, had dinner, bath and bed for Katie...then sitting on my bum uploading photo's.