Thursday, September 4, 2008

DOOL Day Three!

While Katie ate breakfast...I did my DOOL (no not DROOL) posting from the night before...Then off to the playground to play with friends!

Not too sure about going down the slide!

How do you drive this thing!?

The girls love climbing on the dragonfly!

"so, do you come here often?"

LOVE this place!

Post nap snack...your gonna need the energy for DRESS SHOPPING!

Yes, this is what Katie was screaming from inside the dressing room as I was trying on dresses. I hate dress shopping, this did not add to my enjoyment of the task. I had to skeedaddle out of the store before CPS showed up. BTW, I did not hurt her, I was simply stopping her from opening the dressing room door while I was naked.

Thankfully, Daddy was home when we got back...he was able to give me some relief from my job as chairmen of the entertainment committee.

It's quick dinner tonight, 1 minute 24 seconds to mealtime!

Katie burrito! Bath then bed!

I can't show you pictures of what happened next...I'm not saying that there are no pictures...I just can't show them to you!


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