Thursday, September 4, 2008

DOOL Day 4

Again with the box...It may be an they have rehab for cardboard addicts?

More shopping for a dress...unsuccessful...but no CPS report either.

A little play time as a reward for good behavior.

WOO HOO! I found a is in Tupelo Mississippi...Good news, i like it and it is on sale. Bad news, the cost of shipping brings it back up to full price, but it will be here tomorrow! YAY!

Johnny breaking the news to family that we won't be coming for a visit. :(

OHHH LOOKIE, a successful shopping trip, shoes for my dress! They don't look it, but they are dark brown.

And because I know me...some back ups to bring along...gotta be comfy!

Messy face=Good dinner!

A couple of movies...more fun in a cardboard box!

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